Raw Food Girl

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Footy wack to the face!

Well im on week two of my teaching prac and loving it! The chn are soooo cute! So innocent and just want to learn sooo much! They are saying to me now Miss V, i love you! Im like ohhhh thanks! Then when one hears it they all start to say it!

I was on yard duty today and I turned around and WACK, BOOM, SMACK in my face comes a footy! I was like oh my gosh that hurt! I cried only coz if any one knows when someone hits your nose, tears come automatically! I rushed to the office and they told me to sit down and put a cold compress on it. They told me to go to the doctors but I was like nah thats ok! So all day I had a headache! Its official I have been welcomed to teachers world! LOL!

Today was also soup day and they had soup with pasta in it. I had some as I was starving and felt so bloated after! Havent eaten well at all this week and I feel so BLAH!!!! I am pre menstural and i crave carbs real bad! Any tips on how to banish cravings?????

Love you and leave you all
Miss V xxxx

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Week Update!

Ok well it has been week one of my teaching prac and the stress has settled a little! I have two teachers in my class that swap days and they are fantastic! Really lovely. They are youngish and that helps as they are up with the times! I have become more comfortable in taking the class and teaching them and seeing that they do actually listen! LOL.... I have a cold though as all the children have colds and coughs and I am sitting at the front as they cough with their mouths open and the germs are just flying over to me! Im like ahhhhhh please cover your mouths when you cough!

In the staff room there is always cakes and yummy things and on fridays they have yiros days and they had them yesterday and im like should I get one? Then I thought no better not. So lunch time comes and everyone has a yiros except for me. Im sitting there eating my rice cakes and they are like you arent eating?, im like no i often feel sick after! Its so hard sometimes when there are all these yummy things around you and im thinking Im not even loosing weight, so maybe I should just eat it??? Persistence is the key they say?????

So week one of prac is gone and three more to go and then its holidays for me!!! YAY!!!

Have a great weekend, long weekend! YAY

Love Sandra xxx

Sunday, June 04, 2006

People in your life!

Here is a picture of me and my favourite person in the world my cousin Daniele! I just love him!

Today wasnt the best of days for me but I chose not to allow circumstances or people to dictate the way I feel about myself. Having boy troubles at the moment and I started stressing and got a bit upset. Hang up the phone with the person that made me feel upset and thought I could do two things sit on my bed a sulk or get on my treadmill and run! I chose the treadmill, i was running my heart out! I had a shower, went to my friends hse and thought bugger this. Im not going to let this situation get me down. I also start my teaching prac on Monday for four weeks and I cant let anything distract me as this is my last prac and then Im a teacher! Very excited! Its strange how people that you care about can hurt you the most???? Im in a bit of tricky situation right now, but I know everything will work out how it is meant to!
Must go and have an early nite as the kids will be waiting for Miss V!!!!!
Good nite.
Love you all
Sandra xxxx

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Food for thought!

Here are some quotes I found thought u guys may like to read them:

Chasing success is like trying to squeeze a handful of water. The tighter you squeeze, the less water you get. When you chase it, your life becomes the chase, and you become a victim of always wanting more.

If you refuse to change your job (if you don’t like it), the only sensible thing you can do is practice loving it every day.

Enjoy everything that happens in your life, but never make your happiness or success dependent on an attachment to any person, place, or thing.

The more you see yourself as what you’d like to become, and act as if what you want is already there, the more you’ll activate those dormant forces that will collaborate to transform your dream into your reality.

Most people are searching for happiness outside of themselves. That’s a fundamental mistake. Happiness is something you are, and it comes from the way you think.

You are in a partnership with all other human beings, not a contest to be judged better than some and worse than others.

Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored . . . boredom is a choice.

Treat yourself and others with kindness when you eat, exercise, play, work, love, and everything else.

Money—like health, love, happiness, and all forms of success that you want to create for yourself—is the result of living purposefully. It is not a goal unto itself.

The opposite of courage is not so much fear as it is conformity.

Try viewing everyone who comes into your life as a teacher.

Forgiveness is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. If you can’t learn to forgive, you can forget about achieving true success in your life.

Monday, May 29, 2006

My bday update!

Well had a great weekend! Fri was my bday and so the day started with my friend calling me from Sydney and singing Happy Birthday in unison with her sister. So cute! Then my mum made me breakfast in bed and gave me flowers! Then I went to uni 9-11am and my uni friend knitted me a lovely green scarf for my bday. Then I went to work and there were signs all over the place saying Happy Bday Sandra. Got some lovely gifts from the girls at work. Little Emily who is two said I give u cuddle for your bday. And she moved in to give me a cuddle! The cutest thing ever! She calls me Shhhandwaaa. Then fin work at 5.15 and all my friends and family came over and we had chips, lollies, cake and all the bad stuff! I didnt eat any, i was too busy entertaining. I got a digital camera from my family, love it! Ate gluten free choc mud cake, yummy. Bed at 1am......

Sat cleaned up the house, went to my friends house who lives up in the hills and we planned for our prac teaching. Made some resources and she made me a lovely asian dish. It was soooo yummy. She comes from Singapore and so it was soooo authentic! Then stayed with my cuzn and her new baby. Ate Tai and watched a dvd. 40 year old vigin, bad movie!

Sun went to church and then a few friends from church took me out to lunch for my bday, which was lovely. Then went home, did some washing and studying for exam on tues and thursday!
Managed to exercise on the treadmill when I had time! Eating good considering it was my bday!

Enough rambling for the day!
Love Sandra xxx

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Now, how is everyone? Im well! I have been doing my exercising b4 breakfast, as advised my Jamie lee! and eating protein/salador veg for dinner. Im not a big fan of meat so its kind of hard. I have been eating chicken, free range though, dont want all those added hormones! I feel good, drinking lots of water and eating small meals regularly. That is so out of my character. Im used to skipping meals so that I can loose weight! Wrong, yes I know. I have decided to make tomorrow my cheat day as it is my birthday! My mum buys this yummy gluten free chocolate cake. Its soooo yummy.... I have allergies to wheat so I can only eat gluten free stuff, pretty hard, but its better for my health. My older bro thinks he has it too, he went to the doctors for a test and is waiting. He isnt happy about it, we are Italian and so our diets consist of pasta, bread, pizza, pastries etc. all the bad things!

Have two exams next week, then 4 weeks of prac teaching and then holidays! YAY..... Thats the thing that I love about uni, holidays! So nearly finished! May go to Melbourne for a holiday? We will see. I like to travel, its something I really love. In feb this year I went to Malaysia. Had so much fun. Went with my friend, all paid for! Her work allowed her and a friend to go to Malaysia all expenses paid for! She chose me, it was wicked!!!!!

Well off to uni now and then training from 7-9pm. I am doing a Montessori course for teaching. Montessori is a woman who believed in independence and teaching children life skills, like gardening, cooking etc at a young age. I love it ! I think children need to learn this stuff early so that when they are older they are equipped for life!

Bye for now
Sandra xxxx

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The gospel according to Jamie lee!!!!

Been chatting to Jamie lee and she has been giving me a few tips! Printed off her emails and last nite b4 I went to bed i was reading over them over and over again! Finally I had to say Sandra put them down, you havent missed anything, just put it into practice!!!! And so Saturday morning I did just that, got up and ran on my treadmill for 30mins before breakfast and ate a yummy breakfast of one egg, bok choy, a really easy way to cook it is to boil the kettle and just pour it over the bok choy, takes 5 seconds! And one slice of gluten free bread. Now its off to do my chores for the day! BORING! Saturday is my odds and ends day!
Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Sandra x

Heres a picture of me and my friend Maria when I went to visit her in Melbourne. We always have a ball when we are together!